Yoga | Pranayama | Meditation


I could write an endless list honouring my friends, their Yoga sites and creations. Here, I have limited myself to mentioning those who have made it possible for me to expand and grow on my own Yogic journey:

I would like to offer my gratitude to the teachers and family who have helped me grow along the way:

To Ingibjörg Stefansdóttir for her loving patience and her joyous attitude teaching me individually, the Ashtanga Vinyasa practice. For entrusting me to teach alone at her Shala in Reykjavik.

To Julie Martin for her dedication and expertise as a teacher trainer and mentorship. For engaging me in her school Brahmani Yoga, soon after my graduation and for mentoring me during the following four years. To her and the Brahmani Yoga teachers for all the teachings, the fun days, and for their trust in my knowledge.

To Shenyen who taught me on my first serious meditation days at Tushita Dharamsala back in 2005. Also for helping me believe that my wish to meet my heart teacher would be realised.

To my dear friend Anik Meyer-Werner for jumping with me to the first journey to India, one from which I was never to turn back.

To all the ancient sages, to the philosophers, the writers and poets, who have so greatly inspired me, with their beauty and foolhardiness!

To all those who have been my students and friends, for their trust and acknowledgment.

To Nora Wendel & Pilar Diniz for their support in making this website and the many flyers with greatest creativity and patience.

Finally, to my beloved husband Emil Wendel for being the wisest, kindest and most inspiring teacher I could ever dream to meet.